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This Website

Might As Well Be A Book

This Site Is Still Under Major Development

Welcome To...

The Site That’ll Be Forever Eternal !
(yes im doing that annoying space thing (also known as a whitespace) that people do sometimes for a “.” at the end of a sentence so oh well sit and weep)

ScRoLL fOR mE pLz

Casual Blogs / My Thoughts

Feel free to read what I write, I get bored a lot so you may see multiple paragraphs of just me purely rambling on or you might see something helpful, I’ll be sure to categorize them

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Ramble Reads

Here’s where I’ll put all of my rambles for you to read or listen to, up to you :)

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Essential Reads

Here’s where I’ll put some essential reads, stuff from the news or things I’ve learnt to help me develop my skills and how you can develop yours too and also provide helpful reads here too!

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Tutorial Reads / Other Reads

This is where I’ll post my tutorials on how to do certain things or how to setup and configure devices in a way to potentially suit your needs, I’ll also post things I make here for you to read and enjoy and help you make things too!

Thank You & About Me!

Hey there, thanks for stopping by to check out the site

Some facts about me: I love IT, I want to and am going to learn Programming, I’m currently a Student in College.

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